Could you explain how you create a skin mask from the Palette please Greg
If you open the image in CM, go to the mask pallet.
Select the skin mask. Invert the slope of the curve. Shot1
Then copy the mask out to a layer in PS.
Paint out the white areas you do not want to have with a soft wide brush. Shot2
Use this mask layer to go back into CM and adjust only the green channel.
Start by opening CM on the mask layer in RGB, Select the Green Channel, using the mouse find an area on the face with the green tint. Shot3
Right click and select "mark". Isolate the mark on the curve by adding control points above and below the "mark". Shot 4
Adjust the curve until you are satisfied with the skin tones under the mask. Shot5
Give it a try. Part of the key is being able to pre-visualize the mask you are looking for and finding a way to get it. Sometimes it is a very tricky position but if you think about the image a bit the answer usually comes to you.. The thought process for this image was...
I have green mixed into the skin...If I use the skin mask... the skin is left open to changes. Green is not a normal skin color so the mask will be black or gray in the areas where the green "lives". I can make those areas white using an inverted curve. The inverted curve will work but all of the non-skin areas will be open with the inverted curve. I will need to paint those areas out...and make subtle changes to the green...subtle = RGB.
As you can see the process defines itself...I did this as one of the last steps of the correction. My thoughts were after "everything else is corrected I still need to get rid of the green. Other adjustments might get rid of it first so I'll wait and see what happens." When I reached the endpoint of my normal correction process the green was still there. As I corrected this image I thought of how much Zog and GregM would love to see this one...and "Poof" a challenge is born...