pins - saving and constructs

Curvemeister pins are like a memory bank for colors. Discuss techniques and applications for pins. Find out about new pin files here!
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Postby Doug.S » Sat Jun 15, 2013 1:57 pm

I recently installed CM 3.8.1
All working well except these 2 questions about pin .txt files:
(posting here rather than send support email as others may have similar questions)

- I can create a new pin, it is in a folder (either existing or new), but is never saved (tho I tried various ways) yet help file says it will save to folder automatically, but never does. Am I doing it wrong (following help files on-line and .pdf) or possible bug? Any tips?  (I did make sure all swatch folders/files are read+write)

- My work around is doing OK...creating new .txt files and following general format using other supplied files as examples...OK so far.  But help file says:
"Note: You may also edit your pins directly using a text editor, and there are instructions for this in the comments for the pins.txt file under the folder."

But I searched my whole HDD after CM install and no 'pins.txt' file exists and .chm, .pdf, on-line help files (as far as I can see) do not list the "rules" for pin.txt file content format.
I get ";"=comment, names, Lab(x,x,x) and pin to hue & sat etc.  But files are inconsistent in format/text strings, yet still work. Need spaces where? need tabs?
What are "rules" of do/don't?  And/or where can I find the pins.txt file or its equivalent instructions?


EDIT: also just observed that in pins window, symbols of colored pins are all same except 1 file (color checker), which shows much larger pin heads and show the colors in a larger size which I like. How do I make other folders/.txt files display the larger pin-head?

EDIT#2:  Reading other CM forum support for pins not saving...I checked; my swatches folder was protected from user writing (.txt file were full access); so I opened permissions for full access by me...maybe that will work to save .txt files from within CM into the swatches folder....will try over next few days.  (I'm on win7pro x64 PsCS6x64)

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Postby ggroess » Mon Jun 17, 2013 12:56 am

- I can create a new pin, it is in a folder (either existing or new), but is never saved (tho I tried various ways) yet help file says it will save to folder automatically, but never does. Am I doing it wrong (following help files on-line and .pdf) or possible bug? Any tips?  (I did make sure all swatch folders/files are read+write)

There have been some issues with certain systems that mike has had to connect to with a support call to fix.  If your write problem persists you can put in a trouble ticket to Mike or post back here and we'll get you going.

- My work around is doing OK...creating new .txt files and following general format using other supplied files as examples...OK so far.  But help file says:
"Note: You may also edit your pins directly using a text editor, and there are instructions for this in the comments for the pins.txt file under the folder."

If you right click in the pins area not on a pin you should be able to select Edit "file name" from the fly out menu.  If that is not working yo might want to re-install CM.

But I searched my whole HDD after CM install and no 'pins.txt' file exists and .chm, .pdf, on-line help files (as far as I can see) do not list the "rules" for pin.txt file content format.
I get ";"=comment, names, Lab(x,x,x) and pin to hue & sat etc.  But files are inconsistent in format/text strings, yet still work. Need spaces where? need tabs?
What are "rules" of do/don't?  And/or where can I find the pins.txt file or its equivalent instructions?

I'm not sure that there is a definition out there for it...I'll nudge Mike.  I have always just looked at the existing files and used the same syntax...You do have a point...

EDIT: also just observed that in pins window, symbols of colored pins are all same except 1 file (color checker), which shows much larger pin heads and show the colors in a larger size which I like. How do I make other folders/.txt files display the larger pin-head?

Mine are all the same size...another question for Mike...

I'll Send this post to him...Thanks for your patience.


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Postby -default » Mon Jun 17, 2013 11:54 pm

Hi everyone,

yes, pin files have been more or less a problem since Windows Vista came out, and there is an inordinate amount of code in Curvemeister for handling directory permissions during both installation and while curvemeister is running.  There are still problems, and it's hard for me to assess how often they happen, since most people probably just quietly find a solution, or decide to give up.  So, it's good to get some feedback and try to address the problem.

Several releases ago, I decided to dig in and really deal with the pin file issues once and for all.  I expanded the Manage Pins dialog to allow moving the entire pin folder to another location, and (to preserve the customer's pins) to merge one pin file with another.

So, the first recommendation I would make is to right click on the pin palette and see which folder the pins are located in.  Generally, the pins to get installed, and the problem happens when you try to modify them.  Would also help to know which version of CM you are running, and which version of Windows.  If it's Vista, then that's your problem right there!

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Postby Doug.S » Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:04 pm

Since I have my pins setup manually so far, and have a process to do so, and don't need many more pins right now, I'll reply to close the loop and one  more question on syntax to get large pin icons.

"If you right click in the pins area not on a pin you should be able to select Edit "file name" from the fly out menu.  If that is not working you might want to re-install CM."
If I right click, I can open and edit the file directly OK.

"Would also help to know which version of CM you are running, and which version of Windows. "
Running CM 3.8.1 both 32 bit and 64 bit  on win7pro sp1 x64 (and x32)

But...would be nice to have a syntax guide for pin files so I am sure I don't have a pin file error and to take advantage of the pin file capabilities....for example how to make a large pin icon in the pins windows; like I see for color checker vs. all other pins....see attached for examples.

std-pins-size-jpg (17.13 KiB) Viewed 15980 times
large-pins-jpg (17.83 KiB) Viewed 15980 times

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Postby ggroess » Tue Jun 18, 2013 8:23 pm

Doug I have never seen the large pins like this before...
Back to the Big guy for this one...



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Postby -default » Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:14 pm

I'd forgotten about the big pins too.  I actually like them  better because they provide more color information. 

They are controlled by an icon name in the pin file.
(there is a single tab between #bitmap and the name)

Here is a list of the pins that you can use:

#bitmap  Pin-23x23
#bitmap PIN-25x25
#bitmap PIN-17x17
#bitmap Redpin11x11

I also remember supporting square swatches at some point, which made it possible to display a very nice replica of the Macbeth color checker - not sure if it's still possible to do that or not.

The #bitmap command will take effect for subsequent pins in that pin file.  You can add a tab, followed by -bitmap and the bmp name to the end of the line a pin by pin basis, so you can mix and match.

If you want to support multiple tabs per pin file, use a line like this:

You're correct, Doug, that this should be in the manual.  I'll try to remember to do this for the next release.

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Postby -default » Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:40 pm

oops - what I said about making up your own icons is not currently true - you can only use the built-in ones.

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Postby Doug.S » Fri Aug 23, 2013 1:41 am

I used
#bitmap  PIN-25x25
in every pin file .txt and all are now large pins....nice, makes me happy

Sharing in case others want to do same; it works


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Postby ggroess » Fri Aug 23, 2013 5:34 pm

Glad we were able to resolve this for you...


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