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Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 2:42 pm
by mikemeister_admin
PSCS3. Several plug-ins: Curvemeister, PTLens, NeatImage, AGDColor, PhotoZoom Pro. A couple of extra file formats including .jp2.

Athlon 64x2 4400+ OC'd from 2.2 to about 2.55. 2 GIG DDR 400 in Dual Channel on an Asus A8V (I lose the 1T if I go to 4 GIG, but do have the sticks). NVidia Quadro 3000 not OC'd.

XP Pro up to date. PSCS3.

No bizarre BIOS settings...graphic aperture at 256MEG.

On install CM worked great. Now it won't open and gives an "Out of Memory" error.  Tried reducing PS memory allocation-no luck. Opened single image (38MEG) in PS, Purged All, still no luck.



Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 6:26 pm
by -default
Hi Leo,

The most common cause of this error message is that the curve control component of Curvemeister gets out of sync with the actual plugin.  This sometimes happens when a newer version is installed on top of an older version, when there are multiple versions of Photoshop and/or Elements installed.

Reinstalling is probably the best way to deal with all of these problems.  I'd recommend installing the latest

If the problem remains after that, please post back here and I'll have you run AcrChecker, which will do a scan of your system and has an checkbox that will allow it to scan all of your plugins and versions of Photoshop.


Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 9:02 pm
by mikemeister_admin
Greetings from Boise!

Reinstalled, works great. Sent you an e-mail with my AcrChecker results just in case they were of any diagnostic value.
