Another soft proof problem

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Postby derekfountain » Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:22 am

Running with 2.4.0 beta...

The first screenshot below shows my working desktop. The large image is the one I want to work on. The small image is there for reference. Basically, the small image is the original, curved up nicely. I did a Save-As to create the large image. The large image is shown with soft proofing switched on, which is why it looks dull. It's actually that dullness I want to correct, so the print comes out looking like the image in the bottom left - nice and bright. With me so far?

Here's the problem: when I accidentally ran CM with the small reference image active, I get the position shown in the second screenshot. Now the reference image is dull - if I'm not mistaken CM has opened it with the soft proofing which is applied to the large image incorrectly applied to the small image. I'm sure you can see it, but if you can't, look at the sky and clouds in the smaller image in both screenshots. Can't be right, can it? :)

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Sun Apr 01, 2007 1:36 pm

Running with 2.4.0 beta...
Can't be right, can it? :)

you are right! It is only visible on the small images. the big ones do not change.

P.S. So far I know, I haven't softproofing in PSE4.0 but now in CM2.40.
So I noticed that when I downloaded the new version this week. But trying it, I see no difference.
I will do it now more carefully.
when it not works, then it is a another bug.

So , CM says SUPPORT softproofing. So I haven't in PSE4.0 ( I think)
I see no difference when I set it on or of

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Postby -default » Tue Apr 10, 2007 8:14 am

Derek,  Something is definitely not right.  I'm at a point where further fixes will end up in Curvemeister 3, but I will take a look and see if I can duplicate this, or at least figure out what is causing it.

The soft proofing feature is only available for Photoshop folks - sorry Frits.

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Postby derekfountain » Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:53 am

I'm at a point where further fixes will end up in Curvemeister 3...

OK, that's acknowledged. :) In the meantime I'll continue to report CM2 issues as I find them.

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Postby -default » Sun Apr 15, 2007 9:34 am

[re soft proofing anomaly]

Derek, the problem is that curvemeister does not honor the adjustment layer - it drops out and reveals the original, unadjusted colors.

I'd love to find a workaround for this, but as of CS2 this is a limitation of the plugin interface.  Perhaps something can be done with smart filters in CS3.

In another post, you mention gamut warning colors.  I just tested this, and it appears to work as it should.  I'll be rolling another release shortly so you can try again.

Thanks for your bug reports - keep em coming!

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Postby derekfountain » Mon Apr 16, 2007 8:52 am

[re soft proofing anomaly]
Derek, the problem is that curvemeister does not honor the adjustment layer - it drops out and reveals the original, unadjusted colors.

Thanks for your bug reports - keep em coming!

Ah, OK, well that's easy to work around. Is CM able to detect there's an adjustment layer it can't show? I'm thinking about a warning or flatten image option...

As for bug reports, I'm off to Australia for three weeks as of tonight, so they'll dry up for a while. Hmmm, 25 hours on a plane. Oh joy.

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Postby -default » Mon Apr 16, 2007 8:59 am

This is a limitation of the information Photoshop provides to a filter plugin such as Curvemeister.  Only information from the active layer is available - no adjustment layers unfortunately.

Have a great trip! I hope you'll have a chance to do some photos.


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