Editing Smart Filter resets Curvemeister?

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Fri May 08, 2009 6:38 pm

Hello, Mike!

Thank you for the prompt reply.
I do not know what is the yellow scroll icon for (I did not find info about it in help file) but it works! :).

Here is another minor problem that I found while testing CM in smart filter mode, CM ver 3.0.12.
These are steps to reproduce the issue:

1. Open image file (RGB/8-bit .TIF in my case) having CM in smart filter mode with some previously made curve adjustment. Let me call it curve1.
2. Double click CM smart filter to open CM workspace. Do some new adjustments to the curves, call it curve2.
3. Now I change my mind and want to close CM and return to photoshop with smart filter parameters back to curve1.
4. My all previous experience of PC user tells me that I must click 'Close' window cross icon or 'Cancel' button to go back to photoshop without changes to the image appearance. So I click 'Close' cross icon. Warning window appears asking me what to do (BTW regardless of having I made changes to curves or not). I select 'Quit and discard my changes'. Here is the trouble: after CM closing the CM smart filter effect becomes desabled. I can turn it back to life only after clicking Disable Smart filter/Enable Smart filter command in context menu.

The issue does not show when I click 'Cancel' button rather than 'Close' window cross icon. First, the warning window does not show if I have not made changes to curves, which is right. Second, after clicking 'Quit and discard my changes' button I return to photoshop and have my curve1 appearence which is right too.

Hope my large post will help you to find little bug. :)

Don't get me as person who complains. I want to express my absolute positive admiration about what the Curvemester plug-in can do. This is a marvellous software making a new life for the people who is serious about color correction. Keep up good work and thank you for the efforts in right direction!

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Joined: Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:53 am

Postby -default » Fri May 08, 2009 9:16 pm

Hi Valer,

Thanks for your complete bug description, and for your kind words.  I recreated your procedure, and this is indeed a new bug.  I'll address this problem in a future release, hopefully soon(!) 

As a workaround, for now you can toggle the yellow scroll to remove and replace the check mark, and you will have your original curves from when you first opened Curvemeister as a smart filter.


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