tried uninstalling again and it appeared to 'take' - cleaned reistry with Desktop Maestro and re-installed - Note instal run As Administrator and UAC is off.
Problem still remains for me as follows:
-Load Curve, Browse History, Browse Library all cause crash of CM-64/CS4-64
-Using a curve that appears in the dialog box is OK, but Browse to = crash
-Favorites list appears and they can be used - note that the 32 bit Folder is accessed however Browse Favorites = crash
-Open a Pin File = crash
-Adding a pin file to the CM64 Swatches folder = crash on opening CM64
Thanks for all this detail - I should be able to recreate the problem from this. Curvemeister does preview each acv file as it is selected in the file open dialog. I thought I had taken care of these combinations, but it looks like issues remain for 64 bit.
Note that other than Favorites, CM64 aims at the ProgramData/CM64 folder for History, Library, Swatches.
I have a suspicion that there is some conflict in folder direction and/or folder permissions - because the crash (mostly) occurs by just accessing the Folders.
Certainly possible. There were a number of permissions issues that had to be addressed when Vista came out. I think though that it is the "curve preview" feature that is causing the problem, and not folder permissions.
Also as above, CM 64 persists in looking at some CM32 folders and BTW I just noticed that CM32 persists in using CM64's History folder (CM64 was installed after CM32).
These folders are all in the registry. Looks like a dialog box is in order so that it is possible for you to see and change these folders.
Which raises another question - why is there a need to have duplicate History, Library, Swatches folders for CM32 and CM64? I can't imagine anyone needing to run both 32 and 64 CS4 at the same time.
This is a good point. I'll see about consolidating these, or at least having a way for you to control them via a new tab in the settings dialog.
Right now I'm in the process of getting v3.0.20 working - this version has the redistributables included in the download image, and a newer version of the crash report software. Assuming I can recreate the "browse crash", I will include the fix for that as well.
Thanks again for your patience with this.