Reproduced unpickable curve segment

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Sun May 17, 2009 11:31 pm

I think I have spotted a case when I can reproduce this - that is, you click over a curve and drag to move the curve, but the curve does not respond. The curve is not pickable - that is, the red dashed vertical and horizontal do not appear, if you click only, you get no node on the curve, if you click and drag the curve does not bend with the cursor.

OK try this:

In Lab:
On "a" curve place three nodes to lock the curve at 0,0 and two more just below on the diagonal in the lower left quadrant. Now grab the upper right end of the curve and move it to -128, -44 as if you want to pull down the green saturation.

You may be able to reproduce the problem with just this but to make sure you can reproduce it now do something similar with the "b" curve:
On the "b" curve place three nodes, one at 0,0 (or-1, -1) and two more on the yellow side close to it to lock that side of the curve. Now pull down the blue far end of the curve down to -128, -43.

OK, now try clicking on the a curve and see if you can click and drag, if you can try somewhere not to far off the diagonal, -33, -26 or below, say near -11, -11, if it still works move to the "b" curve and do the same. Try different locations. Switch between the curves - you'll get it. If you insert a node, slide it off the curve to remove it and keep going. When you cannot click on the cruve you'll find you can move to different locations on the same curve in the top right quadrant, and that will not pick either. It may suddenly work. Either way switch to the other curve (a or b) and you'll find you can get the same effect there too.

Its a little hit and miss but I can reproduce it easily enough. You'll have a chance of about 1 in 5 or 1 in 10 clicks/locations to hit the problem.

I am thinking hard now... I don't think I have had this in the other colour models - only Lab.

I have had it in more complex circumstances such as inserting a node among a curve containing many nodes.

If you have both curves with the bent part between exactly 0,0 and -128, -44 you can reproduce it too, unsure if it slightly less reproducible. Note I am working on a 1920x1200 display, with curvemeister full screen (3.0.12, it doesn't give you the windows control buttons, except close window - so can't resize the window or iconize etc as per my previous report). I tried images between 10 and 40 Mpixel of different aspect ratios and the problem occurs either way, so this is image independent.

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Joined: Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:53 am

Postby -default » Mon May 18, 2009 2:27 am

Thanks again, Peter.  I'll try this out later tonight.

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