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Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 12:36 am
by mikemeister_admin
Hi Mike
Here is one of the issues in 3.0.8 and in 3.0.12 (CM for elements), OS: XP SP3

To reproduce:
- launch CM on any image
- click RGB radio control button if needed
- click the neutral pin on the tool bar and click the image as needed (best so it nudges the RGB curves)
- repeat the previous step to produce another neutral pin, do this so the two are distinct on the curves.
- Now right mouse button click on one of the neutral targets on the iimage, select delete from the context menu.
- Both pins are seemingly lost, not just the one deleted. The curves rollback to diagonals. The image reverts to the original. The remaining pin is still visible on the image, but seemingly inactive.

- click the remaining pin in the image. The pin nodes now reappear on the curves, and the image shifts colour to match.

The issue happens with 'n' neutrals, delete one, they all disappear from the curves and the image falls back to the original. If other nodes (not pins) have been inserted in the curve, these are retained. Click any remaining neutral and they all reappear on the curve, the deleted one absent as you would expect.

Just deleting a single neutral works fine.

Variant: add a w, b and n points in RGB. Select points that cause visible shifts in the black and highlight end of the curves. Now remove the white point using RMB delete on a pin in the image. The curves all revert, the image reverts completely. Click either the remaining neutral or black point in the image, and the remaining points reappear on the curves and image shifts accordingly. So this is not limited to neutrals - any will do.

This is the most common issue I hit and have to work around.

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 12:54 am
by -default
Thanks, Peter. 

This is a very detailed and complete description of the problem.  I'm in the midst of moving Curvemeister over to a new version of the compiler that supports 64 bit.  Other bugs are on the back burner until this is done.


Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 1:50 am
by mikemeister_admin
Hi Mike - that makes sense - difficult to break that work until it is finished.