Happy Thanksgiving! New beta 3.0.10

The Curvemeister 3 beta test. Please post and discuss bugs, screen shots, suggestions, and any other information about your testing. This board is only visible to Curvemeister 3 beta testers.
Posts: 1916
Joined: Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:53 am

Postby -default » Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:45 pm

Beta 3.0.10 addresses three problems:

    *  The installer now finds the Plug-in folder correctly on Vista systems.  To test this, install the beta and verify that the version is 3.0.11 in the banner.

    * Newly created shadow and highlight pins are correctly enabled on CS4.  This problem actually affected all pins, but the behavior was random, depending on what had been in memory before the pin was created.

    * A CS4 related problem that prevented Curvemeister's preview image window from updating has been fixed.  This problem is due to the new window layout for CS4.  A bug remains in that Curvemeister is still not able to preserve the original zoom factor, but this version zooms the preview image to fit the Curvemeister window.

I may make this into the shipping version later tonight, so any testing that you can do today (on Thanksgiving!) is golden.  If you're in the US, you should be spending time with your family, so I'll need to rely on the rest of you for any testing that happens today!!

Thanks for everything.

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