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Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 12:07 am
by ggroess

The saga continues....

I set the read only attributes to none for the swatches folder and all files and subfolders.  This is from the CM3 3.01a build I downloaded today.


Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 1:01 am
by -default
Dang - I'll see if I can recreate this problem.  I may need to move the pin files out of the Program Files area altogether, and have either a per user set under My Documents, or a shared set somewhere else.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:37 am
by ggroess
Why does it keep getting Read only??

I would think that should be a installer configured you set any registry rights??  can you force the access down from there??


Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:58 am
by -default
The installer assigns permissions to the pin files themselves.  It seems likely that it's the folder permissions that are still incorrect.  Naturally, it all works great on my system.

I'm thinking the real solution is to move all the pin files into "My Documents".  Personally I always hate to chase that particular folder down, plus there is the fuss of having multiple copies, one for each user on the system.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 12:15 pm
by ggroess
If it's folder rights...I install as admin and have admin rights...hmmph...

I hate to suggest this but a root level folder might be the answer...

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 5:15 am
by -default
Not a bad idea, but there's one hitch with a root level folder - non admin user accounts may not be able to write there.  So it's not a complete solution.

SOP is for an app to keep application data files in My Documents, so that's probably where Curvemeister is headed.  What I don't like about that is that multiple users won't share pins, which is a change in behavior that I'd prefer to avoid.  So a shared application data area would be ideal - hopefully Windows supports this.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 8:54 am
by derekfountain

Not a bad idea, but there's one hitch with a root level folder - non admin user accounts may not be able to write there.  So it's not a complete solution.

SOP is for an app to keep application data files in My Documents, so that's probably where Curvemeister is headed.  What I don't like about that is that multiple users won't share pins, which is a change in behavior that I'd prefer to avoid.  So a shared application data area would be ideal - hopefully Windows supports this.

Doesn't Winders have a "All Users" user where shared applications and the like get stored? Is that world writable? (I've few clues about Windows, but if you ever need help with the Linux version I'm your man... :))

Then again, are you sure you want what you think you want here? Shared files (or other resources) get complex, especially with multi headed server systems. You need locking to protect from races and stuff. If pins are to be stored in a shared area it would be more normal to have them world readable but only admin writable. This would mean 2 pin locations - somewhere user-writable under the user's "Application Data" for the user's pins, and another write-restricted pin directory for shared pins. The latter being optional and on the dept server or wherever.

The more standard sharing solution would be to present pins as individual resources that people can share via email or similar. That is, a pin is created in a single file in someone's home directory and if they want to share it they email it around to the others who need it. CM will then need the ability to import pins from such files into the users' personal pin directory. If it were one pin-one file, instead of lots of pins defined in one file, this would be trivial to implement wouldn't it?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 12:41 pm
by ggroess
Usually Windows programs ask for global permissions during install or require the admin rights to install.  If you grant the global rights files that land in c:programfilesCurvemeister.comCurves3 should be accessable to all users.  In my office we have very restrictive user rights but items placed in c:ProgramFiles are accessable to all. 

I think this is a Vista issue Mike...I just did this on my XP machine at My office...and I had no problems...
I created a pin, saved it and was successful. 
I open the CM program again and applied the pin. 
I could not delete it from the right click menu.
I was able to edit the .txt file and remove the pin and save.
I closed CM and re-opened it and my edits stuck.

Vista is more restrictive about the user writes and access to directories. 


Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 10:01 pm
by ggroess
From Vista....

See screen shots below...

When I set the rights in shot 3 every thing works in Vista


Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 4:13 am
by -default
Ah - I get it.  Now all I need to do is fix it!!!