Iconise the CM dialog leads to puzzlement

The Curvemeister 3 beta test. Please post and discuss bugs, screen shots, suggestions, and any other information about your testing. This board is only visible to Curvemeister 3 beta testers.
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Postby mikemeister_admin » Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:46 am

Derek has a point that minimizing only Curvemeister is going to make people think their system has locked up.

The reason I minimized was to see the PS screen.

Why did you want to see the PS screen behind the CM dialog? Doesn't that just show you what the compare button does?

Well, I had never used CM before yesterday, and I didn't (and don't) know what the compare button does. I shall attend to that immediately! Thanks for the nudge.

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Postby -default » Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:08 am

As of you can minimize Curvemeister and Photoshop together with Window-M command.  It is no longer possible to close just Curvemeister, and leave photoshop open.

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