Pins an stuff...

The Curvemeister 3 beta test. Please post and discuss bugs, screen shots, suggestions, and any other information about your testing. This board is only visible to Curvemeister 3 beta testers.
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Postby ggroess » Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:59 pm

Mike is there a way to refresh the pins after you add a file from the goodies??  I had to close CM and go back in to get the new pins to show.

What I'd like to be able to do is edit the pins files, copy, delete, or move them out of the folder, close out the edit box and find CM ready to go with my changes in place.

When I right click in the pin gallery and choose pin file > manage pins I can do what I want but the CM gallery does not update.

When I choose Open pin file, the gallery collapses and I get the open dialog box...good but if I cancel the gallery does not come back...Also if I "copy" a file under goodies up to the folder from the open pin file dialog box and then close the dialog the gallery opens up and is updated...

Addendum 2: The folders and files are all still read only under swatches on My XP system.


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Postby -default » Sat Nov 17, 2007 12:43 am

Mike is there a way to refresh the pins after you add a file from the goodies??  I had to close CM and go back in to get the new pins to show.

What I'd like to be able to do is edit the pins files, copy, delete, or move them out of the folder, close out the edit box and find CM ready to go with my changes in place.

When I right click in the pin gallery and choose pin file > manage pins I can do what I want but the CM gallery does not update.

"Pin File>Refresh all Pins" updates the gallery from scratch.  The reason this is a manual command is that it can be a slow process - several seconds or more - when you have 10 or more pin files.  There's definitely room for improvement here, the minimum being better documentation.

When I choose Open pin file, the gallery collapses and I get the open dialog box...good but if I cancel the gallery does not come back...Also if I "copy" a file under goodies up to the folder from the open pin file dialog box and then close the dialog the gallery opens up and is updated...

There are several cases where the gallery closes unnecessarily.  Believe it or not, this had not made it to the bug list yet, so I've added it.  I probably won't have a chance to fix this before tomorrow, but will try to take a look. 

Addendum 2: The folders and files are all still read only under swatches on My XP system.

The new installer will do a good job of setting up permissions for a clean install, but will not necessarily fix an existing one.  In light of this, hopefully your pins are in the swatch folder under c:program files?  Let me know if this is not the case.  Meantime, keep your folders the way they are , and we can see if the next version of the installer cleans them up.


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Joined: Wed May 24, 2006 2:15 am

Postby ggroess » Sun Nov 25, 2007 6:10 pm

All is not well with the pins...

I just had the program hard crash after trying to move a pin file from version2 swatches to version3. 
I used the copy and paste functions from within the "open file" API dialog box provided when you choose "edit pin file".

Some things to note...I did not see the pin "library" files under the "CM3 program" opened dialog.  See print screen.  CM dialog on the right.
As a casual user you would not know to go looking in the "Library" because depending on how you get there you cannot see the folder.

I think this might need a serious re-visit after you return to the states and re-enter the real world...hehe...

Hope your vacation is going great and that you will be willing to share images when you return...

Posts: 1916
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Postby -default » Sun Nov 25, 2007 6:49 pm

Hi Greg,

I'm not sure I understand completely, but obviously something is wrong that needs to be fixed.  My suggestion on how to get out of this would be to do a backup of your pin files, uninstall, clear the registry entries for CM3 (both the Curves 3 and Curvemeister3 areas to be safe), re-install the latest CM3 beta.  Verify that everything works in this default install, then re-copy your pins back to the CM3 area.

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