Newbie.... deleting control points

The Curvemeister 3 beta test. Please post and discuss bugs, screen shots, suggestions, and any other information about your testing. This board is only visible to Curvemeister 3 beta testers.
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Joined: Tue Sep 25, 2007 7:43 pm

Postby roy » Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:38 pm

Hi Folks,

I'm a newbie to curvemeister, so please be forgiving if this is a silly question. 

Firstly, Mike - this curvemeister is INCREDIBLE!  Its got so many facilities and it looks like it'll be able to do an astonishing number things I've been trying to do in other ways for ages and getting totally stuck with.  I agree with Greg the interface is great, its very attractive and I can see once I get to know my way round it it'll be very effective.

Onto my point here, which I suspect its not to do with the curvemeister 3 beta.  Having said that, if I'm confused then maybe people trying out the demo might be put off and not decide to buy............

When I create a control point on a curve, how do I delete it?  (I've tried dragging it off the edge of the grid like in photoshop, but that doesn't work.  I've tried the delete key.  I've tried the help.)


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Joined: Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:53 am

Postby -default » Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:55 pm

Both of the methods you describe should work for deleting a curve point - now that you mention is, though, I can't seem to get the delete key to work.  Another bug for the list.

Dragging the control point off the curve should still work - be careful not to drag too far.  Otherwise instead of deleting the point, the entire curve will spring back to its original shape.

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