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Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 9:02 pm
by -default
The Curvemeister class is being taught at Eclectic Academy March 9

Sara Froehlich will be teaching Curvemeister this month.  This is a six week class that includes the use of curves and color spaces, skin tones, and advanced features of Curvemeister such as floating neutrals and masks.

Curvemeister: Week 1

Welcome to the Class
Installing Curvemeister
The Color Wizard: A Dark Day in Duck-Land
How Curves Work

Curvemeister: Week 2

Rearranging Curvemeister's Windows and Buttons
The Hue Clock, a Visual Speedometer

Color Spaces are Countries
Say Hello to Lab Color
Increasing Contrast using RGB and Lab mode
Adding texture to Highlights, Shadows, and MidTones

Finding the Shadow and Highlight
Color Casts and How to Remove Them
Finding the Neutral Point in a Photo
Using the Hue Clock to Correct a Neutral
Using Floating Neutrals to control Overall Brightness

Curvemeister: Week 3

Color Correction "By the Numbers"
Calibrating your Monitor and Printer
Fixing Multiple Color Casts with RGB and the Hue Clock
Pinning Skin Tones
Fixing Blue Shadows

Curvemeister: Week 4

Contrast Pinning to Increase the Contrast of an Object
Copying a Channel for use in Photoshop or Elements
Comparing Colors Measuring Statistics
Smart Filters (Photoshop Only)
Painting a Fire Engine Green
Painting a Car Yellow

Curvemeister: Week 5

The Wonderfulness of Mask
Selecting a Mask Channel and Inverting the Mask
Darkening a Sky and Making it More Blue
Adding Color Without Creating "Demon Eyes"
Masking by Lightness

Curvemeister: Week 6

Dan Margulis's "Man From Mars" Procedure
Man from Mars, on Steroids
Using the A and B Channels to Drive Colors Apart
Using Masks With Selections
Using an Alpha Channel as a Mask
Class is Almost Finished

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:20 am
by mikemeister_admin
I have taken a few class's from the Eclectic Academy and enjoyed them very much. I learned a lot and had good response from the instructor. I think this is probably a good way to go Mike, it will give you the time to do what you like and very good at.  Some how I feel very privileged to have already taken Curvemeister 101 from the THE curvemeister and Greg, but however this class is taken, It is well worth the time and money.
Good luck with it.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:50 am
by -default
Thanks, Barry.  I've taken one of Sarah's classes and was impressed with the energy she gives to them, and the way the whole class clicks.  This should be an interesting experience.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:48 pm
by mikemeister_admin

i will look at the site!

Sara Froehlich  is again a German name, like curvemeister!


Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:53 pm
by -default
LOL - good beer in Germany too.  Not to mention Amsterdam.

Speaking of which, next time I'm in Amsterdam let's sit by the canal and have a beer.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:54 pm
by mikemeister_admin

LOL - good beer in Germany too.  Not to mention Amsterdam.

Speaking of which, next time I'm in Amsterdam let's sit by the canal and have a beer.

In august, there is the Gay canalparade again. So I be there!


Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:59 pm
by mikemeister_admin
Froehlich means:

vrolijk {cheerfully}
vreugdevol, met vreugde {joyfully}
blij; heel blij; tot zijn grote geluk,... {happily}
met blijdschap, met grote blijdschap,... {gladly}
vreugdevol {cheerily}
blijde, verheugd, opgewekt {gladsomely}
gelukkig {merrily}
met blijdschap, met vrolijkheid {mirthfully}
vrolijk, opgewekt {jovially}
vreugdevol, blij; zorgeloos, onbezorgd {blithe}
blij , vrolijk, lustig {blithesome}
blij, gelukkig {happy}
vreugdevol; bijmakend {joyful}
gelukkig; dronken {merry}
vrolijk, blij {cheerful}
vrolijk; bont {gay}
vrolijk {jolly


Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 12:02 am
by mikemeister_admin

does it mean you are stopped with teaching in this group each month ?


Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 12:10 am
by -default
For now, yes.  The class takes a lot of time, so this will give me more time to fix bugs, do more in the way of marketing, and make more videos for the web page.

Longer term, there will be an intermediate curvemeister class that covers more advanced techniques, with Sara's class as a requirement.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 2:01 am
by mikemeister_admin
OK, Mike, I signed up for the Eclectic CM 101 class. Now go and debug the copy-channel function! :-)