curvemeister causing crashes in CC

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curvemeister causing crashes in CC

Postby julie » Sat Aug 27, 2016 3:47 am

I only have the trial version of CC but i presume its the same except I haven't paid for it.
CM works fine some of the time but at other times it causes photoshop to crash
Any suggestions


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Re: curvemeister causing crashes in CC

Postby gregmeister_admin » Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:06 pm

What are you doing at the time of the crash?

We know that clicking the "x" on a hue clock will crash PSCC. Mike is working on a bug fix for that.

Seeing is more than meets the eye.

Greg Groess
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Re: curvemeister causing crashes in CC

Postby julie » Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:32 pm

i am not sure what I am doing but will keep an eye on your suggestion. I use a lot of hue clocks so hopefully it's just that. It's driving me crazy.


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Re: curvemeister causing crashes in CC

Postby julie » Mon Aug 29, 2016 6:39 am

That seems to be the problem. Now I just have to make sure I stay away from that x


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Re: curvemeister causing crashes in CC

Postby gregmeister_admin » Mon Aug 29, 2016 1:04 pm

Highlight the point and use the delete key...

Seeing is more than meets the eye.

Greg Groess
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Re: curvemeister causing crashes in CC

Postby sjordan93436 » Wed Dec 07, 2016 11:43 pm

Thanks Greg, I can work around it, but it was frustrating. I was traveling with Mac Book Pro using Boot Camp and PS CC. On my desktop, I use the mouse and have no problem, but the track pad is another story. Somehow, when I was dragging the pointer it would cause CM to crash PS. I normally do not drag with a dedicated mouse, but the trackpad is different. Hard to explain, but the CM crashes.

Of course, I was traveling and my daughter just got married and we had to go through 1,000+ images and fix some for a Christmas card. Other non CM frustration, for some reason LR would not work at all and trying to select with a small screen and bridge.

Well, I went back and all CC versions have the close the pinned box bug? I tried cc, cc 2014,cc 2015, and cc 2015.5, and 2017. I went back to CS6 and everything was okay. Has it been that long with that bug?

Personal aside, I have been photographing and photoshop very little last year. I have been working on semi-retirement. I have sold off some of my business and phase two starts next year. I still have artichokes, but I will be farming less.

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Re: curvemeister causing crashes in CC

Postby gregmeister_admin » Thu Dec 08, 2016 6:20 am

Hi Steve,
Yes, sadly the CC crash has been a complex problem. I will flag this for Mike as I know he is working on a new build with that as the primary fix in the build.

It has been tough for him this go around as the Development Environment crashes his PC after 3 or 4 debug runs. Another whole story for a beer night I guess.

Sounds like you are setting up to enjoy some retirement life...I envy you that...

Seeing is more than meets the eye.

Greg Groess
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Re: curvemeister causing crashes in CC

Postby sjordan93436 » Thu Dec 08, 2016 11:41 am

Thanks Greg. It must be a weird crash. My sympathies to Mike R.

Is it for all CC photoshop editions?

Retirement. I use the word semi-retirement because it is more work than work. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel ..?? oncoming train?

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Re: curvemeister causing crashes in CC

Postby gregmeister_admin » Thu Dec 08, 2016 2:45 pm

Well we know the crash is because CM is telling itself to close instead of telling the hue clock to be destroyed.

What this basically means is that instead of "destroying" the hue clock we destroy CM. Not pretty but defiantly fixable if we can get through the debug. So far it seems to be related to any development after CS6. Adobe did change the development system with the first CC build so it might be related to how that is processed, we are uncertain but we are inching closer to resolution.

The light at the end of the tunnel was turned did you get it back on??

Seeing is more than meets the eye.

Greg Groess
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Re: curvemeister causing crashes in CC

Postby sjordan93436 » Sun Dec 11, 2016 10:37 pm

If I am careful, CM does not crash PS.

Aside: right clicking on a hue clock, the "delete" option is grayed out.

I do not close the pinned boxes. Good.

When I use CM, I drop boxes with the alt click. I move the hue clocks around and the points around. But I have noticed that if I drag the hue clock "wrong" CM crashes. I have been doing a small project and I try to be careful. It is seldom, so I am having troubles being more specific. I will let you know if this can be more repeatable.

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