General photoshop question

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Wed Apr 04, 2007 2:11 am

I got a new computer about 9 months ago and on my old computer in photoshop I had a program or an action or something that made the toolbox on the left and palettes on the right disappear from the screen until I moused over them and then they appeared.  I loved that feature because I could make the image full screen without those items getting in the way. Problem is now I don't know what I did to enable that feature and have been wracking (sp??) my brain ever since trying to remember.  Does anyone have any idea what I did and how I can get it back?  Thanks cap

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Postby ianbowie » Thu Apr 05, 2007 7:30 pm


I don't know the answer but there is already shortcut keys to achieve what you want to do.

F = toggles screen modes
Shift-F = Turns menu bar on and off in full screen modes
Tab = toggles the toolbox, status bar, and palettes on and off
Shift-Tab = toggle only the palettes on and off

Hovering the mouse over provides help

Hope this helps .....


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Postby mikemeister_admin » Sun Apr 08, 2007 12:59 pm


The plugin is called Photoshop Interface Assistant, I tried the trial some time ago.  It's available from lots of sites, try
I didn't like it as much as I thought I would.  Current version is 2.5 I think.  I don't believe it has been updated for some time, (see note below re CS3)

Instead I use voice commands using Voice Commander when I have a heavy PS/CS2 session.  Voice Commander is an inexpensive current window/program, voice activated macro tool, much loved by gamers.  Version 3 is the latest and best.  The command sets/software profiles are shared just like Curvemeister pins.

I assume you know that CS3 has an autohide feature built in?



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Postby mikemeister_admin » Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:02 pm

Thanks Brian, it's almost exactly what I had before.  I'll have to check my old computer for an executable similar to it because if I remember correctly I didn't pay for it, it was free.  I have ps 7 so I know nothing about cs3.  Thanks cap

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Postby ianbowie » Sat Apr 14, 2007 8:13 pm


Do you have a photoshop CS2 template for Voice Commander?

I would find it most useful.


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Postby mikemeister_admin » Thu Apr 26, 2007 12:42 pm


My apologies for taking so long to reply, have been away.  Also, I said I was using Voice Commander when I should have said Game Commander 3.  I believe Voice Commander is a Mac only product.  Nonetheless I have attached the 'gcc' command file for CS2 for GC3, plus a version in text.  This file has two 'sub-sets' of commands, a 'full set' and a reduced set with some of my own concoctions, including running curvemeister and noise ninja.

I stress again that using voice control really speeds things up when I have a heavy editing session.  The ability to execute commands without lifting my (Wacom) pen from the tablet, or changing tools is a real bonus.



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