JAlbum - free web gallery generating software

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Postby -default » Sun Nov 19, 2006 10:58 am

JAlbum is a very fast, flexible, and FREE web album generator.  I just used it tonight, and discovered that they have added a bunch of new features.  I find that JAlbum is better than the one included with Photoshop, mainly because I have more control over the appearance of the albums it creates.  It is also very fast, and has a button that lets you "Peek" at the album as it is being created.

You can download it here:

Here's a small album I just did using JAlbum:


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Postby mikemeister_admin » Sun Nov 19, 2006 4:54 pm

Thanks Mike, will give it a try.

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Postby ggroess » Mon Nov 20, 2006 7:06 pm

JAlbum is a very fast, flexible, and FREE web album generator.  I just used it tonight, and discovered that they have added a bunch of new features.  I find that JAlbum is better than the one included with Photoshop, mainly because I have more control over the appearance of the albums it creates.  It is also very fast, and has a button that lets you "Peek" at the album as it is being created.

You can download it here:

Here's a small album I just did using JAlbum:


What an interesting little program....Thanks for the linkage...

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