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Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 2:56 pm
by ggroess
On Friday at 11:00 AM CDT USA we held a screen-share / conference call.

I'd like to thank Lonnie, Ganna,and TheMightyZog for their attendance and patience as we work through the process of making this semi weekly call a reality. 

I recorded the conference so that more people can view it.  It is un-edited so try to ignore the noise. Also, allow a few minutes for the video to load and buffer.  Let me know if you have any troubles viewing it we have had little experience with this view site and may have to look at other ways to share this out.
I have a link to the recorded screen share: It is over an hour in length...

This file will be available until the third session is recorded. I have it archived so that we can share it permanently but I am working out just how we are going to do that.

The Link to Chris Broadhurst's image is here:

The other image in the video is not mine to share sorry...

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:57 pm
by ggroess
Here is a link to the file as a MP4.  You will need Quicktime or some other compatible viewer to watch the file.

Let me know if this works for you...

I will be taking this video down from the goview site on Friday morning.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:07 pm
by imported_ganna
Jippee, this is wonderful. Quality is relatively good and no lag that scype caused. Thanks so much, this is worth gold.