Curvemeister session Friday, Nov 11, 2011

Postings related to the semi-weekly discussion group.
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Postby -default » Thu Nov 10, 2011 1:50 pm

Yes, there will be a session tomorrow, Friday, Nov 11 at 9am San Francisco time.  Please watch this space for further information.

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Postby sjordan93436 » Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:01 pm

Do you mind a suggestion?  I have some troubles with single image HDR type photos.  Sometimes the highlights are close to blown, but have detail.  Same for the shadows.  I use ACR (or lightrooom) to compress.  I lower the exposure and add fill.  Or add fill and recover.  Or etc etc. 

Take that sunset photo of last week.  Suppose you wanted to show more detail in the shadows and keep the colors of the sunset.

Some of the problem is getting the image into CS.  I think Lee Varis said that doing both recovery and fill on the same image was a mistake.  When I get back to my machine I will send a "bad original."

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Postby ggroess » Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:59 pm

I do not know what Mike has planned for tomorrow but...

When you do an HDR type image you need to make multiple copies of the image with different ACR settings.  For instance...I will create an image with a +3 to -3 exposure range for merge into HDR.

On the other hand...If I was just going after the highlights I might try a multiply layer stack and an inverted L mask to get the highlights.  The process is pretty straight forward.  Open the image in PS, duplicate the layer and set the mode to multiply. Copy the multiply layer as many times as you need to recover the highlights.  De-select the background layer and merge the visible layers together so that you have only 1 layer doing all the work.  Re-select the background layer and then open CM on the background layer.

Make an inverted L channel mask and copy it to the clipboard from CM.  Close CM and return to PS,  add a layer mask to the multiply layer created above and paste the CM mask into it.  Using G-Blurr and a paint brush with black; edit the mask until only the areas you want to see are coming through. 

When you are satisfied flatten the image and move forward with the rest of the enhancement.

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Postby -default » Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:34 am

Greg and I will probably switch off as we did the week before last.  I'll have some example images ready to go, and will take care of webcasting the call. 

Skype curvemeister to join, at 9am San Francisco time, or at any time during the session.  Use  to determine when to call, so you do not interrupt my beauty sleep.

As always, we will consider using any sample images that you send - probably the easiest thing is to post them to this thread.


Posts: 5342
Joined: Wed May 24, 2006 2:15 am

Postby ggroess » Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:44 am

Mike will be flying solo as I will be flying east to Minneapolis at 9:00 tomorrow.

Have fun!

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