CS4 Not enough RAM error message

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Sun Oct 10, 2010 6:44 am

After adjusting an image in Curvemeister 3, when I Apply the adjustment I receive an error dialog containing the following message.

CS4 Error Message Could not complete the Curvemeister 3 command because there is not enough memory(RAM).

I have maxed out my computer's RAM at 4GB.
The image file size is 275MB.
Camera is a Sony A850 hence the 137.7MB source image doubled up by creating a duplicate layer for Curvemeister 3 to work on.

Initially I had the same problem with other plugins but their vendors have now fixed the problem.


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Postby ggroess » Thu Oct 14, 2010 7:56 pm

Are you running the 64 bit version of Photo shop? 
Those are pretty good sized files.  I'll nudge Mike Russell about this one...


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Postby -default » Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:04 pm

Hi Guys,

Yes, for some reason that makes no sense to me, the 32 bit version of Photoshop causes an error at around 150 MB.  275 MB is actually larger than many people have reported for max image size. 

The basic problem creeps in because there is significant fragmentation of the 2GB memory space that Photoshop uses.  It's hard to characterize, but each background DLL, or other program that runs in the background, consumes some user address space (example: Snagit, Jing, etc).  Even tiny programs and allocated blocks use a full 128 MB (I believe) of address space.  With hundreds of blocks, 2GB is used up pretty quickly.

I've spent quite a bit of time on this issue, and by doing tricks like reserving a large block ahead of time, then releasing it after Curvemeister finished, I was able to get up to 150 GB during the XP days.  The arrival of 64 bit hardware, with the capacity to handle very large images,  has relegated this problem to a back burner.

The symptom I've observed is that Curvemeister completes normally, passing control back to Photoshop.  Photoshop then consumes larger and larger amounts of memory space, until it gets an error.  Very puzzling, and I would be very happy to know how anyone else has solved it.

I have had some success booting XP with the /3gB switch, which allocates additional memory space to user processes, at some possible cost to normal system operations.

The current situation is that for larger images, I would recommend moving to a 64 bit OS


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