Scaling images for entry to the gallery

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Thu May 31, 2007 4:38 pm

I understand the max file size for adding images to the gallery is 500kb/image. I have two cameras and would like to quickly resize the images to add them to the gallery. How do I determine size and resolution and keep quality in the image?

The size of the image as it comes from the cameras are:

Camera 1  44.5 x 33.5 inches (3200 x 2400 Pixels) res 72 file size 5.4 mb

Camera 2  12.9 x 8.5 inches (3900 x 2600 Pixels) res 300 file size 8.6 mb

Thanks Joe S

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Thu May 31, 2007 6:09 pm

The resolution doesn't make any difference, for this. That's pretty much a flag in the file to tell other apps how much to squeeze it together. For example, your printer driver needs to know how many of those pixels it needs to squeeze into an inch on the page.

If you change the resolution without resampling, you will see that the file size doesn't change.

Go into Image Size and make sure the Resample Image is checked. As for the method, when going down you want to use Bicubic Sharper. (Bicubic Smoother works well for enlargements.) You probably want Constrain Proportions checked too.

Then change Width OR Height in the top section until the number just above it is at 500K or as close as you care to make it. It's pretty quick. You'll soon learn the range of pixels that work well for your crop shapes.


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Postby mikemeister_admin » Thu May 31, 2007 11:19 pm

Clyde, I believe I tried what you said but still have one question. When I scale down a image so that the line immediately above the pixel dimensions (x and Y) says "Pixel Dimensions 412K" I save that size and close it. However when I put the cursor on that file to reopen it the data states 193KB. Notice that in one case it states K and the other KB and there is quite a bit of difference between the two numbers.

If I start over, reduce the image so that Pixel Dimensions says1.12M save and reopen the file it says 454KB.

If I go look at the file folder in Windows for these images they agree with the KB number. There does not seem to be a correlation between the two (K and KB).

Am I interpreting this incorrectly?
Thanks Joe S

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Postby -default » Fri Jun 01, 2007 4:20 am

The file will be smaller than the Photoshop image size because of jpeg compression - typically the ratio is about 3 to 1, but it depends on the quality setting that you choose - higher numbers mean less compression, a larger file, and better quality.

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Fri Jun 01, 2007 11:46 pm

Thanks for the info. I'll add a few images to see if I am on the right track.

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