Ok...We heard you...Website sucked...

Found an Interesting Image? Link it here...
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Joined: Wed May 24, 2006 2:15 am

Postby ggroess » Sat Jun 21, 2014 2:28 pm


Last year we updated the Curvemeister website and we started to make some changes.  We put together a new site, moved content and tried to insert some new energy into the site.  What we found was that it was confusing to some, distracting to others, and harder to figure out for most. 


We are trying again with a different software package and some more focused ideas.  If you have not been out to Curvemeister.com lately please visit the new site and take a look around.

Some things to look forward to...

  • We will be hosting the class materials on the new site with the discussions still being placed in this forum. 

  • We will be resuming the Curvemeister challenge from the website with online voting.

  • We will be blogging on occasion and we hope you want to hear from us on that front.

  • We are going to try out a few other new ideas but really we wanted to serve you.

If you have suggestions for things you want to see, let us know about it;  if it is possible we just might try it out.
Happy curving...
Mike and Greg

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